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ELTEX ITALIA s.r.l. - Costruzioni Elettriche
Via Carducci, 13 - 06061 Castiglione del Lago (PG) - ITALY
Tel:+39 0759652722 - Fax:+39 0759652696
Internet:http://eltexitalia.com - Email:eltex@eltexitalia.com


With the development of new technology in electronics it is becoming of ever greater importance to guarantee the continuity and stability of electrical power supply in the event of power surges or interruptions in distribution.

This is particularly the case with equipment using microprocessors, such as computers, telematic systems, electronic instruments, medical equipment, industrial checking systems, cash registers etc.

A sudden blackout or an abrupt variation in voltage can put at risk systems’ sensitive internal memories, thus losing data and, at the very least, compromising hours and hours of work.

Eltex Italia has finally solved all these problems by creating products which are reliable and quiet-running, keeping size and costs to a minimum.

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